After going through the awareness program, you should understand the following concepts:
- Computer security is essential in providing protection and security for the assets on the computer from attacks. It is similar to defenses on sports teams protecting their goal.
- To fully protect your assets, you should provide protection to the assets' confidentiality, integrity, and availability, which is called the CIA Triad. The CIA Triad is similar to how the offense, defense, and special teams work together to win football games.
- It is crucial to use unique, strong, and complex passwords to ensure attackers will not be able to break it, just how soccer defenses use complex and strong defensive schemes to prevent the opposing team from scoring.
- While checking emails, it is important to be alert for phishing scams, emails offering you fake information trying to trick you into giving them passwords or clicking malicious links. These emails are similar to a man pretending to be a player's coach trying to gain unauthorized access to gameplans.
- All users must remain cautious to prevent social engineering attacks, which trick individuals into giving up protection to their assets. For example, it is similar to the custodian at a stadium trying to trick a player into allowing him in the player-only room.
- To prevent many types of attacks, you must secure your devices with passwords, encryption, updates, and monitoring. It is similar to how teams protect their play calls by using code words and creating multiple copies.
- When browsing the internet, it is crucial to avoid clicking on suspicious websites or links, as they may contain dangerous programs. For example, players must avoid risky plays during the game to protect themselves.
- Proper security measures like anti-virus software, firewalls, and limited external media is essential in the protection against malicious software. It is similar to using offensive linemen and film to protect the quarterback.
- If working remotely, it is important to protect the assets by using company-given devices and VPNs. Similarly, football players use code words while communicating on the field, as well as use the team-given medical trainers.
- If an incident does occur, it is crucial to have created plans to deal with such attacks, like isolating devices and monitoring the impacts. Similarly, it is well known to stop the play of game when a player gets injured so the trainers can deal with it.
- It is required to follow compliance regulations while working at a company, and it is useful to examine frameworks to improve your security. Sports teams must follow all of the rules of the game, or they will be penalized.
- Controlling who and what has access to data and systems with authentication and authorization is crucial in protecting the CIA Triad. Sports teams allow members of the staff access to certain rooms based on their job and duties.
- To fully mitigate the chance of attacks, layering security measures like passwords, firewalls, and encryptions will provide extra defense. For example, sports defenses normally have layers to protect their goal if the ball gets past some players.